
Am Sa, den 06.11.2004 schrieb Leo Martin Orfei um 13:52:
> ok. I gonna explain a little more my situation.
> I have a postgres server (Linux) and clients
> (Win2k+delphi application).
> I need create  a text file with some columns from a
> table in the server machine, but this file must be
> created only when the user wants.  (click button on my
> delphi program on the client side create a text file
> on the server file system). 
> I can't share o mount a resource or connect by socket.
> I think execute a postgres function from delphi and
> leave to postgres a work to create the file.
> so, my problem is how to create a text file from a
> postgres function. may be I can use a java program
> (like Oracle Java Stored Procedures). 
> How I execute a external java program from postgres
> function?
> exist some OS system call in postgres?
> something like
> Create or Replace Function run () returns  int4 as
> begin
>     execute_OS_system_call('java -jar someapp.jar');
>     return (1);
> end;

Well. Although there is a project for java as function
language, I dont think its the best option when you
look at startup times and memory footprint.
You can either do with temp tables and copy
or use any of the *u languages (u=unrestricted)

for example plpythonu

CREATE FUNCTION makefile(text) RETURNS text AS '
return "ok"
' LANGUAgE plpythonu;


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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