--- William Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > ???  As a longstanding reader of the pgsql-
> > mailinglists, (including via news.postgresql.org
> on
> > occasion), all I see is some outsiders trying to
> help
> > us "fix" a problem that does not exist.  And yes,
> I
> > have read most of the messages that have passed by
> in
> > these threads.  After all that, I still don't see
> the
> > benefit.
> To me, this sounds pretty elitist and exclusionary.
> Is there a reason 
> why you would not want more people particpating in
> the discussions here? 
>   I myself never participated here until I figured
> out I could point a 
> usenet reader to news.postgresql.org to view and
> reply to the list. No 
> way I was going to get hundreds of messages a day in
> my inbox.
> As for why not just keep the same system, there are
> times when 
> news.postgresl.org runs like a dog. 2 or 3 days out
> of a month, messages 
> take 5 or more seconds to come up. If I and others
> could use our local 
> news servers, that's less bandwidth, less load for
> the postgres servers. 
>   And that means someone, somewhere is paying less
> for their 
> contributions to the PG project.


Thank you for your useful post.

I was speaking from my personal point of view, as
indeed you were.

To explain:  I have read the pgsql- lists for several
years, and in that time I have seen many, many issues
discussed, often to death and beyond.  But never once
have I seen a post saying "gee, wouldn't it be
wonderful if we were a big 8 newsgroup", or "wow, it
really is difficult to participate in these lists,
perhaps we should get on Usenet".  In short, the issue
that is now being raised with us, the list
participants, is not an issue for us.

So, next we have a person whom we have never heard of,
coming to us and saying "Hey, I am solving your
problem; I am going to change the way your lists work,
and I am saving you trouble by doing it myself without
even asking your opinion".  Do you blame me, and some
others, for responding with "Huh?", and "What was that
problem again?".

The "problem" that is being solved is, as presented so
far, too abstract to be convincing, at least for me. 
Your post is the first I have read that actually talks
about something concrete, i.e. meaningful to an actual

If we continue to see more discussion of this subject,
as we no doubt will, I hope to see a higher ratio of
useful posts like yours.


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