I have implemented your earlier suggestion:


and no error are generated, so I presume that the connection to the database is now ssl'd. So why bother going through the headache of creating a certificate if I can do it like mentioned above?


On 6 Dec 2004, at 12:28, Kris Jurka wrote:

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Andrew M wrote:


When I launch Jboss, which handles the connection to postgresql, I get
the following error: No trusted certificate found

Difficult to say. Perhaps JBoss is deciding to use an alternate
truststore? Perhaps it doesn't like your cert setup. I would suggest
first running a simple client program to test that it's working first.
Also adding to the java command will help debugging
ssl problems.

Further the 8.0 JDBC driver can create SSL connnections without doing
authentication by adding using an additional url parameter:


You should try to get it to authenticate correctly, but this is another
useful test point.

Kris Jurka

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