Back in 2002, Jean-Luc Lachance gave a nifty algorithm ( for determining the resulting date given a starting date and number of 'workdays' in the future. The trick was that weekends (Saturday and Sunday) could not be counted.

The algorithm looks like this:

date := now - day_of_the_week
interval := interval + day_of_the_week
date := date + int( interval/5)x7 + ( interval mod 5)

However, when I attempted to implement it, I found the answers I received to be problematic.
I'm sure the issue is in my interpretation of the algorithm, but I can't quite figure it out.

Let's take an example.  Starting on March 11, 2005, what date is 4 'workdays' 
in the future?

Step one:
date := now - day_of_the_week
March 5th = March 11th - 6   (6 is the day of week for Friday....march 11th).

Step two:
interval = interval + day of the week
10 = 4 + 6  (4 is the interval)

After this point, the date field is now March 5th and the interval is now 10.

Step three:
date := date + int( interval/5)x7 + ( interval mod 5)
March 19th = March 5th + 14 + 0

End result.....March 19th. But March 19th is not correct (heck, it's a Saturday!). It should be March 17th.

What am I doing/interpreting wrong?

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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