Hi all,

After looking at the postres and perl docs plus some Googling I can't seem to find the answer I am looking for. I hope maybe someone here can help. ^_^

What I am trying to do is turn off autocommit for one particular task in my program. I realize I can turn off AutoCommit when I connect to the database but in this case that is not what I want to do. This is a one-off task.

  What I thought would work was:

$DB->begin_work() || die...
# a lot of transactions
$DB->commit() || die...

  But that doesn't seem to be it, either...

Any advice would be much appreciated. Even if it's just a pointer to the right docs with the answer that I probably missed while searching. :)


Madison Kelly (Digimer)
TLE-BU, The Linux Experience; Back Up

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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