> I uninstalled PostgreSQL from windows for the sake of 
> re-installing (for the sake of documenting an install for our 
> product on a clean machine), and now during re-install on the 
> Service Configuration screen I get "Invalid username 
> specified: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
> Fine makes sense, I was using a new password for the postgres 
> user... so I went to my computer management and deleted the 
> postgres user, then rebooted, came back to install... but the 
> message is still there. Yes I can rename the user from 
> postgres to postgres2 or some such and things work fine, but 
> this isn't acceptable for me right now.
> Anyone know what else may need to be purged from the system 
> to allow a re-install with the same name/new password?

Nothing more should be needed, really. make sure it's actually gone -
maybe windows did a rollback-on-reboot? :-)
Possibly delete the user profile, but it shuoldn't have an efefct here.

> And 
> what do the installer developers think about possibly 
> building that into the installer?

Not likely. Way too dangerous, sicne the account may be used for other
things on other machines.


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