Tino Wildenhain a écrit :
personally I think the WAL approach is by far easier
to set up and maintain - the pg_dump is in fact easy,
but the restore to another database can be tricky
if you want it unattended and bullit-proof the same

I'll have to study this more in-depth then.
If I got it right, the procedure would be :
- wal archiving enabled
- base backup once a day (pg_start_backup, copy the 'data' directory, pg_stop_backup)
- create restore-script to be run on the second server, which would :
  - copy the backup to the 'data' directory
  - copy the wal files to the 'pg_xlog' directory
- create the recovery.conf in the data directory (should always stay there maybe)
  - start the postmaster

Then anyone could just run this script in case of a failure of the master server to have an up-to-date database running.

Then with a script that would change my DNS so that mypgserver.domain.tld (used in ODBC connection string) points to CNAME mybackupserver.domain.tld instead of CNAME mymasterserver.domain.tld, getting back to production ould be quite easy...?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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