On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 01:06:32PM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> gives the result below. It seems inconsistent to me with
> regard to the FOUND variable. I would expect FOUND to always
> be false regardless of whether I use EXECUTE or PERFORM. I
> certainly do not expect it to be true for the third EXECUTE
> even assuming that PERFORM may have a bug. What is it that I
> am missing out on here ?

> select * from test;
>  fk_item 
> ---------
> (0 Zeilen)
> select test();
> psql:00-test.sql:33: NOTICE:  running: select 1 from test where 
> fk_item=1324314
> psql:00-test.sql:33: NOTICE:  found (execute 1): f
> psql:00-test.sql:33: NOTICE:  found (execute 2): f
> psql:00-test.sql:33: NOTICE:  found (perform): t
> psql:00-test.sql:33: NOTICE:  found (execute 3): t


> begin
>       cmd := ''select 1 from test where fk_item=1324314'';
>       raise notice ''running: %'', cmd;
>       execute cmd;

And, no, in the actual situation I cannot get rid of the
execute or perform because I need a dynamically generated
query. It's just that the example presented here was reduced
to a static query that could simply be ran as is, too.

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