On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 02:50:08PM +0200, Marcin Mank wrote:

> With:
>  perform cmd;
>  raise notice ''found (perform): %'', found;
> You effectively do:
> select 'select 1 from test where fk_item=1324314' ;
> Try:
> perform 1 from test where fk_item=1324314

Marcin, you saved my day. I knew I was being stupid
somewhere. It's not like I never used PERFORM before but,
hey, there you go :-))

The docs do hint at how to do it properly:

 "PERFORM create_mv(''cs_session_page_requests_mv'', my_query);"

but this might be helpful to be pointed out explicitely:

"PERFORM create_mv(''cs_session_page_requests_mv'', my_query);

 Note that the PERFORM replaces the SELECT in the query."

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