John McCawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is a web app, so in my example all of the images live on a web server,
> and our data lives on a separate database server.  We have a completely
> duplicated setup offsite, and mirror images of every server at the backup
> site.  Every night we use rsync to duplicate everything offsite.  Also, a cron
> job pg_dumps every night and copies the dump over to the backup DB server.
> And before anybody gives me any guff, our office is in New Orleans, and we
> went through Katrina with less than an hour of downtime, and without losing
> anything.  So there ;)

Anyway, you have no guarantee that all your images exist on file and that all
existing files have a corresponding entry in your database.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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