IMX, the only things going for MySQL are:
1. It's fast.
2. It's easy to install and administer.
3. It's cheap and cross-platform.
4. It's popular.

The problem is:
1. It's fast because fsync is off by default, and MyISAM is not
transactional and doesn't support basic features like foreign keys.
That basically means it's fast because it ignores Boyd and Cobb.  Guess
what?  The same can be said of flat files.
2. Most other RDBMSs have seen the advantage and done this now, too.
Installing an RDBMS is no longer more difficult than installing the rest
of the system.
3. MySQL is no longer the only thing available.  PostgreSQL is on
Windows now, MS SQL 2005 Express, SQLite, Oracle Express, Firebird, etc.
4. So is Windows.

MySQL isn't quite as bad as PHP for internal inconsistencies and
developer aggrivations, but it comes close enough for me to want to
avoid them both.

Brandon Aiken
CS/IT Systems Engineer

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of gustavo
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] postgresql vs mysql


 I  have a friend that ask me why postgresql is better than mysql.
 I personally prefer posgresql, but she need to give in her work 3 or 4 
strong reasons for that. I mean not to much technical reasons. Can you 
give help me please ?

  Thank you,

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