[removing -hackers, as this question really doesn't seem to belong there]

shieldy wrote:
thankyou very much.
but the method, you said, is adding a alias name, so it can not work.
and as i need to add many functions likes this, so the best way is to compile the whole postgresql. eventhough, i did, it didnot work, so i am puzzled, can add a function directly in the source file, and compile it, can it work?? BTW: I have just seach the source for addingthe built-in function, and found it need to add declaration in the include geo_decls.h, and add the function in the geo_ops.c. can it not be enough??

Why on earth are you not just creating your functions as a loadable C module? Unless you are doing something strange there seems little need for you to be taking the approach you are taking. The contrib directory has some examples of how to do this. PostgreSQL is designed to be extensible, but you are apparently ignoring the extensibility features.



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