On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 00:30:37 +0100
Tomas Vondra <tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> While the results may look differently for other datasets, my
> conclusion is that it's unlikely we'll find another general-purpose
> algorithm beating pglz (enough for people to switch to it, as they'll
> need to worry about testing, deployment of extensions etc).
> That doesn't necessarily mean supporting custom compression algorithms
> is pointless, of course, but I think people will be much more
> interested in exploiting known features of the data (instead of
> treating the values as opaque arrays of bytes).
> For example, I see the patch implements a special compression method
> for tsvector values (used in the tests), exploiting from knowledge of
> internal structure. I haven't tested if that is an improvement (either
> in compression/decompression speed or compression ratio), though.
> I can imagine other interesting use cases - for example values in
> JSONB columns often use the same "schema" (keys, nesting, ...), so
> can I imagine building a "dictionary" of JSON keys for the whole
> column ...
> Ildus, is this a use case you've been aiming for, or were you aiming
> to use the new API in a different way?

Thank you for such good overview. I agree that pglz is pretty good as
general compression method, and there's no point to change it, at
least now.

I see few useful use cases for compression methods, it's special
compression methods for int[], timestamp[] for time series and yes,
dictionaries for jsonb, for which I have even already created an
extension (https://github.com/postgrespro/jsonbd). It's working and
giving promising results.

> I wonder if the patch can be improved to handle this use case better.
> For example, it requires knowledge the actual data type, instead of
> treating it as opaque varlena / byte array. I see tsvector compression
> does that by checking typeid in the handler.
> But that fails for example with this example
>     db=# create domain x as tsvector;
>     db=# create table t (a x compressed ts1);
>     ERROR:  unexpected type 28198672 for tsvector compression handler
> which means it's a few brick shy to properly support domains. But I
> wonder if this should be instead specified in CREATE COMPRESSION
> METHOD instead. I mean, something like
>     CREATE COMPRESSION METHOD ts1 HANDLER tsvector_compression_handler
>     TYPE tsvector;
> When type is no specified, it applies to all varlena values. Otherwise
> only to that type. Also, why not to allow setting the compression as
> the default method for a data type, e.g.
>     CREATE COMPRESSION METHOD ts1 HANDLER tsvector_compression_handler
>     TYPE tsvector DEFAULT;
> would automatically add 'COMPRESSED ts1' to all tsvector columns in
> new CREATE TABLE commands.

Initial version of the patch contains ALTER syntax that change
compression method for whole types, but I have decided to remove that
functionality for now because the patch is already quite complex and it
could be added later as separate patch.

Syntax was:

Specifying the supported type for the compression method is a good idea.
Maybe the following syntax would be better?


> BTW do you expect the tsvector compression to be generally useful, or
> is it meant to be used only by the tests? If generally useful,
> perhaps it should be created in pg_compression by default. If only
> for tests, maybe it should be implemented in an extension in contrib
> (thus also serving as example how to implement new methods).
> I haven't thought about the JSONB use case very much, but I suppose
> that could be done using the configure/drop methods. I mean,
> allocating the dictionary somewhere (e.g. in a table created by an
> extension?). The configure method gets the Form_pg_attribute record,
> so that should be enough I guess.
> But the patch is not testing those two methods at all, which seems
> like something that needs to be addresses before commit. I don't
> expect a full-fledged JSONB compression extension, but something
> simple that actually exercises those methods in a meaningful way.

I will move to tsvector_compression_handler to separate extension in
the next version. I added it more like as example, but also it could be
used to achieve a better compression for tsvectors. Tests on maillists
database ('archie' tables):

usual compression:

maillists=# select body_tsvector, subject_tsvector into t1 from
messages; SELECT 1114213
maillists=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('t1'));
 1637 MB
(1 row)

maillists=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('t2'));
 1521 MB
(1 row)

maillists=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('t3'));
 1487 MB
(1 row)

I don't stick to tsvector_compression_handler, I think if there
will some example that can use all the features then
tsvector_compression_handler could be replaced with it. My extension
for jsonb dictionaries is big enough and I'm not ready to try to include
it to the patch. I just see the use of 'drop' method, since there
should be way for extension to clean its resources, but I don't see
some simple enough usage for it in tests. Maybe just dummy methods for
'drop' and 'configure' will be enough for testing purposes.

> Similarly for the compression options - we need to test that the WITH
> part is handled correctly (tsvector does not provide configure
> method).

I could add some options to tsvector_compression_handler, like options
that change pglz_compress parameters.

> Which reminds me I'm confused by pg_compression_opt. Consider this:
> tsvector_compression_handler; CREATE TABLE t (a tsvector COMPRESSED
> ts1);
>     db=# select * from pg_compression_opt ;
>      cmoptoid | cmname |          cmhandler           | cmoptions
>     ----------+--------+------------------------------+-----------
>      28198689 | ts1    | tsvector_compression_handler |
>     (1 row)
>     DROP TABLE t;
>     db=# select * from pg_compression_opt ;
>      cmoptoid | cmname |          cmhandler           | cmoptions
>     ----------+--------+------------------------------+-----------
>      28198689 | ts1    | tsvector_compression_handler |
>     (1 row)
>     ERROR:  cannot drop compression method ts1 because other objects
>             depend on it
>     DETAIL:  compression options for ts1 depends on compression method
>              ts1
>     HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
> I believe the pg_compression_opt is actually linked to pg_attribute,
> in which case it should include (attrelid,attnum), and should be
> dropped when the table is dropped.
> I suppose it was done this way to work around the lack of
> recompression (i.e. the compressed value might have ended in other
> table), but that is no longer true.

Good point, since there is recompression now, the options could be
safely removed in case of dropping table. It will complicate pg_upgrade
but I think this is solvable.

> A few more comments:
> 1) The patch makes optionListToArray (in foreigncmds.c) non-static,
> but it's not used anywhere. So this seems like change that is no
> longer necessary.

I use this function in CreateCompressionOptions.

> 2) I see we add two un-reserved keywords in gram.y - COMPRESSION and
> COMPRESSED. Perhaps COMPRESSION would be enough? I mean, we could do
>     ALTER ... SET COMPRESSION name ...
> Although I agree the "SET COMPRESSION none" is a bit strange.

I agree, I've already changed syntax for the next version of the patch.
SET NOT COMPRESSED. Minus one word from grammar and it looks nicer.

> 3) heap_prepare_insert uses this chunk of code
> +  else if (HeapTupleHasExternal(tup)
> +    || RelationGetDescr(relation)->tdflags &
> +    || HeapTupleHasCustomCompressed(tup)
> +    || tup->t_len > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD)
> Shouldn't that be rather
> +  else if (HeapTupleHasExternal(tup)
> +    || (RelationGetDescr(relation)->tdflags &
> +        && HeapTupleHasCustomCompressed(tup))
> +    || tup->t_len > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD)

These conditions used for opposite directions.
HeapTupleHasCustomCompressed(tup) is true if tuple has compressed
datums inside and we need to decompress them first, and
TD_ATTR_CUSTOM_COMPRESSED flag means that relation we're putting the
data have columns with custom compression and maybe we need to compress
datums in current tuple.

Ildus Kurbangaliev
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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