2017-12-04 9:29 GMT+01:00 Alexander Korotkov <a.korot...@postgrespro.ru>:

> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Alexander Korotkov <
> a.korot...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
>> The problem is that it's hard to read arbitrary formatted psql output
>> from external program (not just gnuplot, but even especially written
>> script).  I made my scripts read few variations, but it doesn't look
>> feasible to read all the combinations.  For sure, it's possible to set
>> format options inside macro, but then it would affect psql format options
>> after execution.
>> This is why I think only one \graw option is just fine, because it
>> produces stable machine-readable output.
> Oh, I just get that in current state of \graw doesn't produce good
> machine-readable output.
> # select '|', '|' \graw
> |||
> Column separator is character which can occur in values, and values aren't
> escaped.  Thus, reader can't correctly divide values between columns in all
> the cases.  So, I would rather like to see \graw to output in csv format
> with proper escaping.

current \graw implementation is pretty minimalistic

It is interesting topic - the client side csv support.

It can simplify lot of things



> ------
> Alexander Korotkov
> Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
> The Russian Postgres Company

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