On 12-01-2018 15:47, Fabien COELHO wrote:
Hello Marina,

A partial answer, to focus on how the feature may be simplified.

Thank you!

I apologise as it seems that I overlooked one of your mail. Changing
the thread has not helped.

I'm wondering whether the whole feature could be simplified by
considering that one script is one "transaction" (it is from the
report point of view at least), and that any retry is for the full
script only, from its beginning. That would remove the trying to guess at transactions begin or end, avoid scanning manually for subcommands,
and so on.
 - Would it make sense?
 - Would it be ok for your use case?

I'm not sure if this makes sense: if we retry the script from the very beginning including successful transactions, there may be errors..

What I'm suggesting is to simplify the problem by adding some
restrictions to what kind of case which is handled, so as to simplify
the code a lot.

I'd start by stating (i.e. documenting) that the features assumes that
one script is just *one* transaction.

Note that pgbench somehow already assumes that one script is one
transaction when it reports performance anyway.

If you want 2 transactions, then you have to put them in two scripts,
which looks fine with me. Different transactions are expected to be
independent, otherwise they should be merged into one transaction.

Therefore if the script consists of several single statements (= several transactions), you cannot retry them. For example, the script looked like this:

UPDATE xy1 SET x = 1 WHERE y = 1;
UPDATE xy2 SET x = 2 WHERE y = 2;
UPDATE xy3 SET x = 3 WHERE y = 3;

If this restriction is ok for you, I'll simplify the code :)

Under these restrictions, ISTM that a retry is something like:

  case ABORTED:
     if (we want to retry) {
        // do necessary stats
        // reset the initial state (random, vars, current command)
        state = START_TX; // loop
     else {
       // count as failed...
       state = FINISHED; // or done.

If we successfully complete a failed transaction block and process its end command in CSTATE_END_COMMAND, we may want to make a retry. So do you think that in this case it is ok to go to CSTATE_ABORTED at the end of CSTATE_END_COMMAND?..

Once this works, maybe it could go a step further by restarting at
savepoints. I'd put restrictions there to ease detecting a savepoint
so that it cannot occur in a compound command for instance. This would
probably require a new state. Fine.

We discussed the savepoints earlier in [1]:

- if there's a failure what savepoint we should rollback to and start the
execution again?
Maybe to go to the last one, if it is not successful go to the previous
one etc. Retrying the entire transaction may take less time..

Well, I do not know that. My 0.02 € is that if there was a savepoint then
this is natural the restarting point of a transaction which has some
recoverable error.

A detail:

For file contents, maybe the << 'EOF' here-document syntax would help instead of using concatenated backslashed strings everywhere.

Thanks, but I'm not sure that it is better to open file handlers for printing in variables..

Perl here-document stuff is just a multiline string, no file is
involved, it is different from the shell.

Oh, now googling was successful, thanks)

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/alpine.DEB.2.20.1707141637300.7871%40lancre

Marina Polyakova
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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