2018-03-12 16:38 GMT+01:00 Pavel Luzanov <p.luza...@postgrespro.ru>:

> On 12.03.2018 09:54, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> 2018-03-12 7:49 GMT+01:00 Pavel Luzanov <p.luza...@postgrespro.ru>:
>> Is there any chances that it will work on replicas?
> ...
> sure, it should to work. Now, I am try to solve a issues on concept level
> - the LET code is based on DML code base, so probably there is check for rw
> transactions. But it is useless for LET command.
> Very, very good!
> As I understand, the work on this patch now in progress and it not in
> commitfest.
> Please explain what features of schema variables I can review now.
> From first post of this thread the syntax of the CREATE VARIABLE command:
>   [ DEFAULT expression ] [[NOT] NULL]
>   [ { VOLATILE | STABLE } ];

Now, it is too early for review - it is in development. Some features are
not implemented yet - DEFAULTs, ON TRANSACTION END .., others has not sense
(what I know now VOLATILE, STABLE). Schema variables are passed as
parameters to query, so the behave is like any other params - it is STABLE

> But in psql I see only:
> \h create variable
> Command:     CREATE VARIABLE
> Description: define a new permissioned typed schema variable
> Syntax:
> CREATE VARIABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] name [ AS ] data_type ]
> I can include DEFAULT clause in CREATE VARIABLE command, but the value not
> used:
> postgres=# create variable i int default 0;
> postgres=# select i;
>  i
> ---
> (1 row)
> postgres=# \d+ i
>  schema variable "public.i"
>  Column |  Type   | Storage
> --------+---------+---------
>  i      | integer | plain
defaults are not implemented yet

> BTW, I found an error in handling of table aliases:
> postgres=# create variable x text;
> postgres=# select * from pg_class AS x where x.relname = 'x';
> ERROR:  type text is not composite
> It thinks that x.relname is an attribute of x variable instead of an alias
> for pg_class table.
It is not well handled collision. This should be detected and prohibited.
In this case, because x is scalar, then x.xx has not sense, and then it
should not be handled like variable. So the current design is not too
practical - it generates more collisions than it is necessary and still,
there are some errors.

Now, there is one important question - storage - Postgres stores all
objects to files - only memory storage is not designed yet. This is part,
where I need a help.



> -----
> Pavel Luzanov
> Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
> The Russian Postgres Company

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