I wrote:

> On 3/21/18, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> I've got mixed feelings about the whitespace lines between fields.  They
>> seem like they are mostly bulking up the code and we could do without
>> 'em.
>> On the other hand, pgindent will insist on putting one before any
>> multi-line field comment, and so that would create inconsistent
>> formatting
>> if we don't use 'em elsewhere.  Thoughts?
> I'll do it both ways for one header and post the results for people to look
> at.

I've attached an earlier version of pg_proc.h with both formats as I
understand them. I turned a couple comments into multi-line comments
to demonstrate. I think without spaces it's just as hard to read as
with multiple annotations. I'd vote for spaces, but then again I'm not
the one who has to read these things very often.

-John Naylor
 * pg_proc.h
 *	  definition of the system "procedure" relation (pg_proc)
 *	  along with the relation's initial contents.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
 *	  The Catalog.pm module reads this file and derives schema
 *	  information.
#ifndef PG_PROC_H
#define PG_PROC_H

#include "catalog/genbki.h"

/* ----------------
 *		pg_proc definition.  cpp turns this into
 *		typedef struct FormData_pg_proc
 * ----------------
#define ProcedureRelationId  1255
#define ProcedureRelation_Rowtype_Id  81

	/* procedure name */
	NameData	proname;
	/* OID of namespace containing this proc */
	Oid			pronamespace BKI_DEFAULT(PGNSP);
	/* procedure owner */
	Oid			proowner BKI_DEFAULT(PGUID);
	/* OID of pg_language entry */
	Oid			prolang BKI_DEFAULT(12);
	/* estimated execution cost */
	float4		procost BKI_DEFAULT(1);

	/* estimated # of 
	 * rows out (if proretset) */
	float4		prorows BKI_DEFAULT(0);
	/* element type of variadic array, or 0 */
	Oid			provariadic BKI_DEFAULT(0);
	/* transforms calls to it during planning */
	regproc		protransform BKI_DEFAULT(0);
	/* is it an aggregate? */
	bool		proisagg BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* is it a window function? */
	bool		proiswindow BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* security definer */
	bool		prosecdef BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* is it a leak-proof function? */
	bool		proleakproof BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* strict with respect to NULLs? */
	bool		proisstrict BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* returns a set? */
	bool		proretset BKI_DEFAULT(f);
	/* see PROVOLATILE_ categories below */
	char		provolatile BKI_DEFAULT(v);
	/* see PROPARALLEL_ categories below */
	char		proparallel BKI_DEFAULT(u);
	/* number of arguments */
	int16		pronargs;
	/* number of arguments with defaults */
	int16		pronargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(0);
	/* OID of result type */
	Oid			prorettype;

	 * variable-length fields start here, but we allow direct access to
	 * proargtypes

	/* parameter types (excludes OUT params) */
	oidvector	proargtypes;


	/* all param types (NULL if IN only) */
	Oid			proallargtypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* parameter modes (NULL if IN only) */
	char		proargmodes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* parameter names (NULL if no names) */
	text		proargnames[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* list of expression trees 
	 * for argument defaults (NULL if none) */
	pg_node_tree proargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* types for which to apply transforms */
	Oid			protrftypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* procedure source text */
	text		prosrc BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL;
	/* secondary procedure info (can be NULL) */
	text		probin BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* procedure-local GUC settings */
	text		proconfig[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
	/* access permissions */
	aclitem		proacl[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
} FormData_pg_proc;

/* ----------------
 *		Form_pg_proc corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
 *		the format of pg_proc relation.
 * ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_proc *Form_pg_proc;

/* ----------------
 *		compiler constants for pg_proc
 * ----------------
#define Natts_pg_proc					29
#define Anum_pg_proc_proname			1
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronamespace		2
#define Anum_pg_proc_proowner			3
#define Anum_pg_proc_prolang			4
#define Anum_pg_proc_procost			5
#define Anum_pg_proc_prorows			6
#define Anum_pg_proc_provariadic		7
#define Anum_pg_proc_protransform		8
#define Anum_pg_proc_proisagg			9
#define Anum_pg_proc_proiswindow		10
#define Anum_pg_proc_prosecdef			11
#define Anum_pg_proc_proleakproof		12
#define Anum_pg_proc_proisstrict		13
#define Anum_pg_proc_proretset			14
#define Anum_pg_proc_provolatile		15
#define Anum_pg_proc_proparallel		16
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronargs			17
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronargdefaults	18
#define Anum_pg_proc_prorettype			19
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargtypes		20
#define Anum_pg_proc_proallargtypes		21
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargmodes		22
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargnames		23
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults		24
#define Anum_pg_proc_protrftypes		25
#define Anum_pg_proc_prosrc				26
#define Anum_pg_proc_probin				27
#define Anum_pg_proc_proconfig			28
#define Anum_pg_proc_proacl				29

 * Symbolic values for provolatile column: these indicate whether the result
 * of a function is dependent *only* on the values of its explicit arguments,
 * or can change due to outside factors (such as parameter variables or
 * table contents).  NOTE: functions having side-effects, such as setval(),
 * must be labeled volatile to ensure they will not get optimized away,
 * even if the actual return value is not changeable.
#define PROVOLATILE_IMMUTABLE	'i' /* never changes for given input */
#define PROVOLATILE_STABLE		's' /* does not change within a scan */
#define PROVOLATILE_VOLATILE	'v' /* can change even within a scan */

 * Symbolic values for proparallel column: these indicate whether a function
 * can be safely be run in a parallel backend, during parallelism but
 * necessarily in the master, or only in non-parallel mode.
#define PROPARALLEL_SAFE		's' /* can run in worker or master */
#define PROPARALLEL_RESTRICTED	'r' /* can run in parallel master only */
#define PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE		'u' /* banned while in parallel mode */

 * Symbolic values for proargmodes column.  Note that these must agree with
 * the FunctionParameterMode enum in parsenodes.h; we declare them here to
 * be accessible from either header.
#define PROARGMODE_IN		'i'
#define PROARGMODE_OUT		'o'

#endif							/* PG_PROC_H */
 * pg_proc.h
 *	  definition of the system "procedure" relation (pg_proc)
 *	  along with the relation's initial contents.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
 *	  The Catalog.pm module reads this file and derives schema
 *	  information.
#ifndef PG_PROC_H
#define PG_PROC_H

#include "catalog/genbki.h"

/* ----------------
 *		pg_proc definition.  cpp turns this into
 *		typedef struct FormData_pg_proc
 * ----------------
#define ProcedureRelationId  1255
#define ProcedureRelation_Rowtype_Id  81

	/* procedure name */
	NameData	proname;

	/* OID of namespace containing this proc */
	Oid			pronamespace BKI_DEFAULT(PGNSP);

	/* procedure owner */
	Oid			proowner BKI_DEFAULT(PGUID);

	/* OID of pg_language entry */
	Oid			prolang BKI_DEFAULT(12);

	/* estimated execution cost */
	float4		procost BKI_DEFAULT(1);

	/* estimated # of 
	 * rows out (if proretset) */
	float4		prorows BKI_DEFAULT(0);

	/* element type of variadic array, or 0 */
	Oid			provariadic BKI_DEFAULT(0);

	/* transforms calls to it during planning */
	regproc		protransform BKI_DEFAULT(0);

	/* is it an aggregate? */
	bool		proisagg BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* is it a window function? */
	bool		proiswindow BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* security definer */
	bool		prosecdef BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* is it a leak-proof function? */
	bool		proleakproof BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* strict with respect to NULLs? */
	bool		proisstrict BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* returns a set? */
	bool		proretset BKI_DEFAULT(f);

	/* see PROVOLATILE_ categories below */
	char		provolatile BKI_DEFAULT(v);

	/* see PROPARALLEL_ categories below */
	char		proparallel BKI_DEFAULT(u);

	/* number of arguments */
	int16		pronargs;

	/* number of arguments with defaults */
	int16		pronargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(0);

	/* OID of result type */
	Oid			prorettype;

	 * variable-length fields start here, but we allow direct access to
	 * proargtypes

	/* parameter types (excludes OUT params) */
	oidvector	proargtypes;


	/* all param types (NULL if IN only) */
	Oid			proallargtypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* parameter modes (NULL if IN only) */
	char		proargmodes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* parameter names (NULL if no names) */
	text		proargnames[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* list of expression trees 
	 * for argument defaults (NULL if none) */
	pg_node_tree proargdefaults BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* types for which to apply transforms */
	Oid			protrftypes[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* procedure source text */
	text		prosrc BKI_FORCE_NOT_NULL;

	/* secondary procedure info (can be NULL) */
	text		probin BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* procedure-local GUC settings */
	text		proconfig[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);

	/* access permissions */
	aclitem		proacl[1] BKI_DEFAULT(_null_);
} FormData_pg_proc;

/* ----------------
 *		Form_pg_proc corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
 *		the format of pg_proc relation.
 * ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_proc *Form_pg_proc;

/* ----------------
 *		compiler constants for pg_proc
 * ----------------
#define Natts_pg_proc					29
#define Anum_pg_proc_proname			1
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronamespace		2
#define Anum_pg_proc_proowner			3
#define Anum_pg_proc_prolang			4
#define Anum_pg_proc_procost			5
#define Anum_pg_proc_prorows			6
#define Anum_pg_proc_provariadic		7
#define Anum_pg_proc_protransform		8
#define Anum_pg_proc_proisagg			9
#define Anum_pg_proc_proiswindow		10
#define Anum_pg_proc_prosecdef			11
#define Anum_pg_proc_proleakproof		12
#define Anum_pg_proc_proisstrict		13
#define Anum_pg_proc_proretset			14
#define Anum_pg_proc_provolatile		15
#define Anum_pg_proc_proparallel		16
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronargs			17
#define Anum_pg_proc_pronargdefaults	18
#define Anum_pg_proc_prorettype			19
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargtypes		20
#define Anum_pg_proc_proallargtypes		21
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargmodes		22
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargnames		23
#define Anum_pg_proc_proargdefaults		24
#define Anum_pg_proc_protrftypes		25
#define Anum_pg_proc_prosrc				26
#define Anum_pg_proc_probin				27
#define Anum_pg_proc_proconfig			28
#define Anum_pg_proc_proacl				29

 * Symbolic values for provolatile column: these indicate whether the result
 * of a function is dependent *only* on the values of its explicit arguments,
 * or can change due to outside factors (such as parameter variables or
 * table contents).  NOTE: functions having side-effects, such as setval(),
 * must be labeled volatile to ensure they will not get optimized away,
 * even if the actual return value is not changeable.
#define PROVOLATILE_IMMUTABLE	'i' /* never changes for given input */
#define PROVOLATILE_STABLE		's' /* does not change within a scan */
#define PROVOLATILE_VOLATILE	'v' /* can change even within a scan */

 * Symbolic values for proparallel column: these indicate whether a function
 * can be safely be run in a parallel backend, during parallelism but
 * necessarily in the master, or only in non-parallel mode.
#define PROPARALLEL_SAFE		's' /* can run in worker or master */
#define PROPARALLEL_RESTRICTED	'r' /* can run in parallel master only */
#define PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE		'u' /* banned while in parallel mode */

 * Symbolic values for proargmodes column.  Note that these must agree with
 * the FunctionParameterMode enum in parsenodes.h; we declare them here to
 * be accessible from either header.
#define PROARGMODE_IN		'i'
#define PROARGMODE_OUT		'o'

#endif							/* PG_PROC_H */

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