Added to the open items list.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 2:52 PM, Amit Langote <>

> On 2018/04/03 14:45, Kyotaro HORIGUCHI wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > At Mon, 2 Apr 2018 16:11:12 -0300, Alvaro Herrera <
>> wrote:
> >> Why do we need AccessExclusiveLock on all children of a relation that we
> >> want to scan to search for rows not satisfying the constraint?  I think
> >> it should be enough to get ShareLock, which prevents INSERT, no?  I have
> >> a feeling I'm missing something here, but I don't know what, and all
> >> tests pass with that change.
> Thinking on this a bit, I see no problem with locking the children with
> just ShareLock.  It was just a paranoia that if we're going to lock the
> table itself being attached with AEL, we must its children (if any) with
> AEL, too.
> > Mmm. I'm not sure if there's a lock-upgrade case but the
> > following sentense is left at the last of one of the modified
> > comments. ATREwriteTables is called with AEL after that (that has
> > finally no effect in this case).
> >
> > |                                   But we cannot risk a deadlock by
> taking
> > | * a weaker lock now and the stronger one only when needed.
> >
> > I don't actually find places where the children's lock can be
> > raised but this seems just following the lock parent first
> > principle.
> No lock upgrade happen as of now.  The comment was added by the commit
> 972b6ec20bf [1], which removed the code that could cause such a deadlock.
> The comment fragment is simply trying to explain why we don't postpone the
> locking of children to a later time, say, to the point where we actually
> know that they need to be scanned.  Previously the code next to the
> comment used to lock the children using AccessShareLock, because at that
> point we just needed to check if the table being attached is one of those
> children and then later locked with AEL if it turned out that they need to
> be scanned to check the partition constraint.
> > By the way check_default_allows_bound() (CREATE TABLE case)
> > contains a similar usage of find_all_inheritors(default_rel,
> > AEL).
> Good catch.  Its job is more or less same as
> ValidatePartitionConstraints(), except all the children (if any) are
> scanned right away instead of queuing it like in the AT case.
> >> Also: the change proposed to remove the get_default_oid_from_partdesc()
> >> call actually fixes the bug, but to me it was not at all obvious why.
> >
> > CommandCounterIncrement updates the content of a relcache entry
> > via invalidation. It can be surprising for callers of a function
> > like StorePartitionBound.
> >
> > CommandCounterIncrement
> >  <skip inval mechanism>
> >    RelationCacheInvalidateEntry
> >      RelationFlushRelation
> >        RelationClearRelation
> Because of the CCI() after storing the default partition OID into the
> system catalog, RelationClearRelation() would changes what
> rel->rd_partdesc points to where 'rel' is the ATExecAttachPartition()'s
> reference to the relcache entry of the parent that it passed to
> StorePartitionBound.
> So, whereas the rel->rd_partdesc wouldn't contain the default partition
> before StorePartitionBound() was called, it would after.
> >> To figure out why, I first had to realize that
> >> ValidatePartitionConstraints was lying to me, both in name and in
> >> comments: it doesn't actually validate anything, it merely queues
> >> entries so that alter table's phase 3 would do the validation.  I found
> >> this extremely confusing, so I fixed the comments to match reality, and
> >> later decided to rename the function also.
> >
> > It is reasonable. Removing exccessive extension of lower-level
> > partitions is also reasonable. The previous code extended
> > inheritances in different manner for levels at odd and even
> > depth.
> I like the new code including the naming, but I notice this changes the
> order in which we do the locking now.  There are still sites in the code
> where the locking order is breadth-first, that is, as determined by
> find_all_inheritors(), as this function would too previously.
> Also note that beside the breadth-first -> depth-first change, this also
> changes the locking order of partitions for a given partitioned table.
> The OIDs in partdesc->oids[] are canonically ordered (that is order of
> their partition bounds), whereas find_inheritance_children() that's called
> by find_all_inheritors() would lock them in the order in which the
> individual OIDs were found in the system catalog.
> Not sure if there is anything to be alarmed of here, but in all previous
> discussions, this has been a thing to avoid.
> >> At that point I was able to understand what the problem was: when
> >> attaching the default partition, we were setting the constraint to be
> >> validated for that partition to the correctly computed partition
> >> constraint; and later in the same function we would set the constraint
> >> to "the immature constraint" because we were now seeing that the default
> >> partition OID was not invalid.  So it was rather a bug in
> >> ValidatePartitionConstraints, in that it was accepting to set the
> >> expression to validate when another expression had already been set!  I
> >> added an assert to protect against this.  And then changed the decision
> >> of whether or not to run this block based on the attached partition
> >> being the default one or not; because as the "if" test was, it was just
> >> a recipe for confusion.  (Now, if you look carefully you realize that
> >> the new test for bound->is_default I added is kinda redundant: it can
> >> only be set if there was a default partition OID at start of the
> >> function, and therefore we know we're not adding a default partition.
> >> And for the case where we *are* adding the default partition, it is
> >> still Invalid because we don't re-read its own OID.  But relying on that
> >> seems brittle because it breaks if we happen to update the default
> >> partition OID in the middle of that function, which is what we were
> >> doing.  Hence the new is_default test.)
> >
> > Seems reasonable.
> +1
> > But even if we assume so, rereading
> > defaultPartOid is still breaking the assumption that
> > defaultPartOid is that at the time of entering to this function
> > and the added condition just conceals the fact.
> Afaics, defaultPartOid is only set at the beginning of
> ATExecAttachPartition, so it seems fine.
> > So I think it should be an assertion.
> >
> > | if (OidIsValid(defaultPartOid))
> > | {
> > |      /*
> > |       *  The command cannot be adding default partition if the
> > |       *  defaultPartOid is valid.
> > |       */
> > |      Assert(!cmd->bound->is_default);
> I guess that makes sense, because when trying to attach a default
> partition to the table that already has one, check_new_partition_bound
> that's called before this errors out before we could get here.
> >> I looked at the implementation of ValidatePartitionConstraints and
> >> didn't like it, so I rewrote it also.
> >>
> >> This comment is mistaken, too:
> >> -       /*
> >> -        * Skip if the partition is itself a partitioned table.  We can
> only
> >> -        * ever scan RELKIND_RELATION relations.
> >> -        */
> >> ... because it ignores the possibility of a partition being a foreign
> >> table.  The code seems to work, but I think there is no test to cover
> >> the case that a foreign table containing data that doesn't satisfy the
> >> constraint is attached, because when I set that case to return doing
> >> nothing (ie. ATGetQueueEntry is not called for a foreign partition), no
> >> test failed.
> >
> > Foreign tables are intentionally not verified on attaching (in my
> > understanding). ATRewriteTables ignores foreign tables so it
> > contradicts to what ATRewriteTables thinks. As my understanding
> > foreign tables are assumed to be unrestrictable by local
> > constraint after attaching so the users are responsible to the
> > consistency.
> That and ATRewriteTable() in phase 3 cannot really cope with being handed
> a foreign table as it can only work with RELKIND_RELATION tables.
> Actually, the following in ATRewriteTables() also prevents passing foreign
> tables:
> static void
> ATRewriteTables(AlterTableStmt *parsetree, List **wqueue, LOCKMODE
> lockmode)
> {
>     ListCell   *ltab;
>     /* Go through each table that needs to be checked or rewritten */
>     foreach(ltab, *wqueue)
>     {
>         AlteredTableInfo *tab = (AlteredTableInfo *) lfirst(ltab);
>         /*
>          * Foreign tables have no storage, nor do partitioned tables and
>          * indexes.
>          */
>         if (tab->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE ||
>             tab->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE ||
>             tab->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_INDEX)
>             continue;
> >> Generally speaking, I didn't like ATExecAttachPartition; it's doing too
> >> much that should have been done in ATPrepAttachPartition.  The only
> >> reason that's not broken is because we don't allow ATTACH PARTITION to
> >> appear together with other commands in alter table, which seems
> >> disappointing ... for example, when attaching multiple tables and a
> >> default partition exist, you have to scan the default one multiple
> >> times, which is lame.
> >
> > Indeed, currently only partition commands are isolated from other
> > alter table subcommands (except all in tablespace cases). We can
> > improve that in the next step?
> I think we can improve this.
> >> (Speaking of lame: I noticed that RelationGetPartitionQual obtains lock
> >> on the parent relation ... I wonder if this can be used to cause a
> >> deadlock during InitResultRelationInfo.)
> It does seem that there is a possibility of deadlock, because when
> InitResultRelInfo(), that's initializing a partition, calls
> RelationGetPartitionQual() to get its partition constraint, the partition
> would already have been locked.  So this reverses the generally
> established order of locking the parent first; another session which tries
> to add a column to the parent, for example, will lock the parent and then
> partitions.
> I think we need for inserts directly into a partition to lock all of its
> ancestors from the root to the direct parent (in that order) before
> locking the partition itself, or maybe at least the parent if not all
> ancestors.
> > Mmm. That seems strange since the RealtionGetPartitionQual
> > doesn't return anything (specifically NIL) there, because we
> > don't allow a partition to be attached to partitioned tables. It
> > seems totally useless.
> >
> > Addition to that the code tries to add the partition qual (which
> > is always NIL) destructively and assign to partConstraint..
> It is not always NIL.  Imagine attaching a partition at a lower level.
> create table foo (a int, b char) partition by list (a);
> create table foo1 partition of foo for values in (1) partition by list (b);
> create table foo1a (a, b) as values (2, 'b');
> -- note that we're attaching to foo1, not foo
> alter table foo1 attach partition foo1a for values in ('a');
> If we didn't include foo1's (the parent) constraint (that is, a = 1), the
> above command will wrongly succeed.  It must include a = 1 in the
> constraint to be be checked when scanning foo1a.
> Although, I noticed there is no test covering this.
> >> BTW, I think this is already broken for the case where the default
> >> partition is partitioned and you attach a partition colliding with a row
> >> that's being concurrently inserted in a partition of the default
> >> partition, though I didn't bother to write a test for that.
> >
> > How is it broken? Every attaching partitions are checked for the
> > specified partition bound and every partitions of the default
> > partition are also checked against the new default part bound. We
> > already hold required locks on all the participants.
> Yes, concurrent insertions to either the default partition or any of its
> partitions couldn't be occurring as we'd have locked them.
> >> Anyway, I'm just an onlooker fixing a CommandCounterIncrement change.
> >
> > It's reassuring. Thanks.
> Yes, thank you for taking the time out to clean things up.
> Thanks,
> Amit
> [1]
> commitdiff;h=972b6ec20bf

Rushabh Lathia

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