
On 2022-05-06 14:27:24 -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> > 0003-meson-Install-all-server-headers.patch
> > 
> > With this, all the server headers installed by a makefile-based build are
> > installed.  I tried to strike a balance between using install_subdir() with
> > exclude list versus listing things explicitly. Different variations might be
> > possible, but this looked pretty sensible to me.
> I locally had something similar, but I'm worried that this approach will be
> too fragile. Leads to e.g. editor temp files getting installed. I've merged it
> for now, but I think we need a different approach.

Meant to add potential alternatives here: The easiest likely would be to just
add an install script that globs *.h. Alternatively we could build a file list
at configure time, and then install that with install_header(). The advantage
would be that it be available for things like cpluspluscheck, the disadvantage
that something needs to trigger reconfiguration to update the file list.


Andres Freund

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