On 2022-Jul-30, Tom Lane wrote:

> BTW, quite aside from stability, is it really necessary for this test to
> be so freakin' slow?  florican for instance reports
> [12:54:07] t/033_replay_tsp_drops.pl ............ ok   117840 ms ( 0.01 usr  
> 0.00 sys +  8.72 cusr  5.41 csys = 14.14 CPU)
> 027 is so bloated because it runs the core regression tests YA time,
> which I'm not very happy about either; but that's no excuse for
> every new test to contribute an additional couple of minutes.

Definitely not intended.  It looks like the reason is just that the DROP
DATABASE/TABLESPACE commands are super slow, and this test does a lot of
that.  I added some instrumentation and the largest fraction of time
goes to execute this

                CREATE DATABASE dropme_db1 WITH TABLESPACE dropme_ts1;
                CREATE TABLE t (a int) TABLESPACE dropme_ts2;
                CREATE DATABASE dropme_db2 WITH TABLESPACE dropme_ts2;
                CREATE DATABASE moveme_db TABLESPACE source_ts;
                ALTER DATABASE moveme_db SET TABLESPACE target_ts;
                CREATE DATABASE newdb TEMPLATE template_db;
                ALTER DATABASE template_db IS_TEMPLATE = false;
                DROP DATABASE dropme_db1;
                DROP TABLE t;
                DROP DATABASE dropme_db2;
                DROP TABLESPACE dropme_ts2;
                DROP TABLESPACE source_ts;
                DROP DATABASE template_db;

Maybe this is overkill and we can reduce the test without damaging the
coverage.  I'll have a look during the weekend.

I'll repair the reliability problem too, separately.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"This is a foot just waiting to be shot"                (Andrew Dunstan)

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