On 23.08.22 03:50, Dong Wook Lee wrote:
Hi Hackers,
I wrote a test for coverage.
Unfortunately, it seems to take quite a while to run the test.
I want to improve these execution times, but I don't know exactly what to do.
Therefore, I want to hear feedback from many people.

I don't find these tests to be particularly slow. How long do they take for you to run?

A couple of tips:

- You should give each test a name. That's why each test function has a (usually) last argument that takes a string.

- You could use command_like() to run a command and check that it exits successfully and check its standard out. For example, instead of

# test pg_waldump with -F (main)
IPC::Run::run [ 'pg_waldump', "$wal_dump_path", '-F', 'main' ], '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
isnt($stdout, '', "");

it is better to write

command_like([ 'pg_waldump', "$wal_dump_path", '-F', 'main' ],
             qr/TODO/, 'test -F (main)');

- It would be useful to test the actual output (that is, fill in the TODO above). I don't know what the best way to do that is -- that is part of designing these tests.


- Your patch introduces a spurious blank line at the end of the test file.

- For portability, options must be before non-option arguments. So instead of

[ 'pg_waldump', "$wal_dump_path", '-F', 'main' ]

it should be

[ 'pg_waldump', '-F', 'main', "$wal_dump_path" ]

I think having some more test coverage for pg_waldump would be good, so I encourage you to continue working on this.

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