2022-09-28 21:49 に torikoshia さんは書きました:
   if (result == 127 || result == -1)
       pg_log_error("\\!: failed");
       return false;
   else if (result != 0) {
       pg_log_error("command failed");
       return false;

Since it would be hard to understand the cause of failures from these
two messages, it might be better to clarify them in the messages.

The former comes from failures of child process creation or execution
on it and the latter occurs when child process creation and execution
succeeded but the return code is not 0, doesn't it?

I also felt it'd be natural that the latter message also begins with
"\\!" since both message concerns with \!.

How do you think?

Thank you for the feedback!
I agree that the messages should be more clear.
\\!: command was not executed
\\!: command failed
Would these two messages be enough to describe the two cases?


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