On Sun, Oct 09, 2022 at 12:24:23PM +0300, Anton A. Melnikov wrote:
> On the other hand, function_parse_error_transpose() tries to get
> the original query text  (INSERT INTO test VALUES ('1') in our case) from
> the ActivePortal to clarify the location of the error.
> But in the logrep worker there is no way to restore original query text
> from the logrep message. There is only 'zipped' query equivalent to the 
> original.
> So any function_parse_error_transpose() call seems to be useless
> in the logrep worker.

Yeah, the query string is not available in this context, but it surely
looks wrong to me to assume that something as low-level as
function_parse_error_transpose() needs to be updated for the sake of a
logical worker, while we have other areas that would expect a portal
to be set up.

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