Hi Nikita,

I don't argue with most of what you say. I am just pointing out the
reason why the chosen approach "N TOASTers x M TableAMs" will not

> Don't you think that this is an arguable design decision? Basically
> all we know about the underlying TableAM is that it stores tuples
> _somehow_ and that tuples have TIDs [1]. That's it. We don't know if
> it even has any sort of pages, whether they are fixed in size or not,
> whether it uses shared buffers, etc. It may not even require TOAST.
> [...]

Also I completely agree with:

> Implementing another Table AM just to implement another TOAST strategy seems 
> too
> much, the TAM API is very heavy and complex, and you would have to add it as 
> a contrib.

This is what I meant above when talking about the framework for
simplifying this task:

> It looks like the idea should be actually turned inside out. I.e. what
> would be nice to have is some sort of _framework_ that helps TableAM
> authors to implement TOAST (alternatively, the rest of the TableAM
> except for TOAST) if the TableAM is similar to the default one.

>From the user perspective it's much easier to think about one entity -
TableAM, and choosing from heapam_with_default_toast and

>From the extension implementer point of view creating TableAMs is a
difficult task. This is what the framework should address. Ideally the
interface should be as simple as:

CreateParametrizedDefaultHeapAM(SomeTOASTSubstitutionObject, ...other
arguments, in the future...)

Where the extension author should be worried only about an alternative
TOAST implementation.

I think at some point such a framework may address at least one more
issue we have - an inability to change the page size on the table
level. As it was shown by Tomas Vondra [1] the default 8 KB page size
can be suboptimal depending on the load. So it would be nice if the
user could change it without rebuilding PostgreSQL. Naturally this is
out of scope of this particular patchset. I just wanted to point out
opportunities we have here.


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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