Here are some review comments for patch v9-0001:



1. min_ prefix?

What's the significance of the "min_" prefix for this parameter? I'm
guessing the background is that at one time it was considered to be a
GUC so took a name similar to GUC recovery_min_apply_delay (??)

But in practice, I think it is meaningless and/or misleading. For
example, suppose the user wants to defer replication by 1hr. IMO it is
more natural to just say "defer replication by 1 hr" (aka
apply_delay='1hr') Clearly it means replication will take place about
1 hr into the future. OTHO saying "defer replication by a MINIMUM of 1
hr" (aka min_apply_delay='1hr')  is quite vague because then it is
equally valid if the replication gets delayed by 1 hr or 2 hrs or 5
days or 3 weeks since all of those satisfy the minimum delay. The
implementation could hardwire a delay of INT_MAX ms but clearly,
that's not really what the user would expect.


So, I think this parameter should be renamed just as 'apply_delay'.

But, if you still decide to keep it as 'min_apply_delay' then there is
a lot of other code that ought to be changed to be consistent with
that name.
- subapplydelay in catalogs.sgml --> subminapplydelay
- subapplydelay in system_views.sql --> subminapplydelay
- subapplydelay in pg_subscription.h --> subminapplydelay
- subapplydelay in dump.h --> subminapplydelay
- i_subapplydelay in pg_dump.c --> i_subminapplydelay
- applydelay member name of Form_pg_subscription --> minapplydelay
- "Apply Delay" for the column name displayed by describe.c --> "Min
apply delay"
- more...

(IMO the fact that so much code does not currently say 'min' at all is
just evidence that the 'min' prefix really didn't really mean much in
the first place)



2. Section 31.2 Subscription

+  <para>
+   Time delayed replica of subscription is available by indicating
+   <literal>min_apply_delay</literal>. See
+   <xref linkend="sql-createsubscription"/> for details.
+  </para>

How about saying like:

The subscriber replication can be instructed to lag behind the
publisher side changes by specifying the
<literal>min_apply_delay</literal> subscription parameter. See XXX for



3. min_apply_delay

+         <para>
+          By default, subscriber applies changes as soon as possible. As with
+          the physical replication feature
+          (<xref linkend="guc-recovery-min-apply-delay"/>), it can be useful to
+          have a time-delayed logical replica. This parameter allows you to
+          delay the application of changes by a specified amount of time. If
+          this value is specified without units, it is taken as milliseconds.
+          The default is zero, adding no delay.
+         </para>

"subscriber applies" -> "the subscriber applies"

"allows you" -> "lets the user"

"The default is zero, adding no delay." -> "The default is zero (no delay)."



+          larger than the time deviations between servers. Note that
+          in the case when this parameter is set to a long value, the
+          replication may not continue if the replication slot falls behind the
+          current LSN by more than <literal>max_slot_wal_keep_size</literal>.
+          See more details in <xref linkend="guc-max-slot-wal-keep-size"/>.
+         </para>

Note that if this parameter is set to a long delay, the replication
will stop if the replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more
than <literal>max_slot_wal_keep_size</literal>.


When it is rendered (like below) it looks a bit repetitive:
... if the replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more than
max_slot_wal_keep_size. See more details in max_slot_wal_keep_size.


IMO the previous sentence should include the link.

if the replication slot falls behind the current LSN by more than
<link linkend =



+           <para>
+            Synchronous replication is affected by this setting when
+            <varname>synchronous_commit</varname> is set to
+            <literal>remote_write</literal>; every <literal>COMMIT</literal>
+            will need to wait to be applied.
+           </para>

Yes, this deserves a big warning -- but I am just not quite sure of
the details. I think this impacts more than just "remote_rewrite" --
e.g. the same problem would happen if "synchronous_standby_names" is

I think this warning needs to be more generic to cover everything.
Maybe something like below

Delaying the replication can mean there is a much longer time between
making a change on the publisher, and that change being committed on
the subscriber. This can have a big impact on synchronous replication.



6. parse_subscription_options

+ ms = interval_to_ms(interval);
+ if (ms < 0 || ms > INT_MAX)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("%lld ms is outside the valid range for option \"%s\"",
+    (long long) ms, "min_apply_delay"));

"for option" -> "for parameter"



7. apply_delay

+static void
+apply_delay(TimestampTz ts)

IMO having a delay is not the usual case. So, would a better name for
this function be 'maybe_delay'?



+ * high value for the delay. This design is different from the physical
+ * replication (that applies the delay at commit time) mainly because write
+ * operations may allow some issues (such as bloat and locks) that can be
+ * minimized if it does not keep the transaction open for such a long time.

Something seems not quite right with this wording -- is there a better
way of describing this?



+ /*
+ * Delay apply until all tablesync workers have reached READY state. If we
+ * allow the delay during the catchup phase, once we reach the limit of
+ * tablesync workers, it will impose a delay for each subsequent worker.
+ * It means it will take a long time to finish the initial table
+ * synchronization.
+ */
+ if (!AllTablesyncsReady())
+ return;

"Delay apply until..." -> "The min_apply_delay parameter is ignored until..."



+ /*
+ * The worker may be waken because of the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ...
+ * DISABLE, so the catalog pg_subscription should be read again.
+ */
+ if (!in_remote_transaction && !in_streamed_transaction)
+ {
+ AcceptInvalidationMessages();
+ maybe_reread_subscription();
+ }
+ }

"waken" -> "woken"



11. describeSubscriptions

+ /* Origin and min_apply_delay are only supported in v16 and higher */
  if (pset.sversion >= 160000)
-   ", suborigin AS \"%s\"\n",
-   gettext_noop("Origin"));
+   ", suborigin AS \"%s\"\n"
+   ", subapplydelay AS \"%s\"\n",
+   gettext_noop("Origin"),
+   gettext_noop("Apply delay"));

IIUC the psql command is supposed to display useful information to the
user, so I wondered if it is worthwhile to put the units in this
column header -- "Apply delay (ms)" instead of just "Apply delay"
because that would make it far easier to understand the meaning
without having to check the documentation to discover the units.




+extern int64 interval_to_ms(const Interval *interval);

For consistency with the other interval conversion functions exposed
here maybe this one should have been called 'interval2ms'




IIUC this test is checking if a delay has occurred by inspecting the
debug logs to see if a certain code path including "logical
replication apply delay" is logged. I guess that is OK, but another
way might be to compare the actual timing values of the published and
replicated rows.

The publisher table can have a column with default now() and the
subscriber side table can have an *additional* column also with
default now(). After replication, those two timestamp values can be
compared to check if the difference exceeds the min_time_delay
parameter specified.


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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