On 2023-Feb-05, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:

> Since PostgreSQL is not a specified document-oriented DBMS I think we
> better focus our (far from being infinite) resources on something more
> people would benefit from: AIO/DIO [1] or perhaps getting rid of
> freezing [2], to name a few examples.

For what it's worth -- one of the reasons Postgres is successful, at
least in my opinion, is that each developer does more or less what they
see fit (or what their employer sees fit), without following any sort of
grand plan or roadmap.  This has allowed us to expand in many directions
simultaneously.  There's a group working on AIO; others are interested
in improving partitioning, or logical replication, adding new SQL
features, and so on.  I don't think we should stop thinking about TOAST
(or more precisely JSON compression) just because we want to have all
these other things.  Not being a document database didn't stop us from
adding JSON many years back and JSONB stuff later.  When we did, it was
an enormous enabler of new use cases.

Everyone, from customers of large Postgres support companies, to those
of small or one-man Postgres support shops, to individual users doing
stuff on their free time, benefits from everything that happens in the
Postgres development group.  Let's keep improving Postgres for everyone.

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"La espina, desde que nace, ya pincha" (Proverbio africano)

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