On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 10:30 AM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > TBH I am not sure anymore if the complications justify the patch.
> >
> > It seems we have to choose from 2 bad choices:
> > - separate options = this works but would be more confusing for the user
> > - unified option = this would be simpler and faster, but risks
> > breaking existing applications currently using 'binary=true'
> >
> I would prefer a unified option as apart from other things you and
> others mentioned that will be less of a maintenance burden in the
> future.
When someone sets the binary=true while creating a subscription, the
expectation would be that the data transfer will happen in binary mode
if binary in/out functions are available. As per current
implementation, that's not happening in the table-sync phase. So, it
makes sense to fix that behaviour in a major version release.
For the existing applications that are using (or unknowingly misusing)
the feature, as Amit mentioned, they have a workaround.

Thanks & Regards,
Kuntal Ghosh

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