
Thanks for updating the patch, I think it is a useful feature.

I looked at the v15 patch and the patch looks mostly good to me.
Here are few comments:

+       {
+               appendStringInfo(&cmd, " WITH (FORMAT binary)");

We could use appendStringInfoString here.

+# It should fail
+$node_subscriber->wait_for_log(qr/ERROR: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? no binary input 
function available for type/);
+# Cannot sync due to type mismatch
+$node_subscriber->wait_for_log(qr/ERROR: ( [A-Z0-9]+:)? incorrect binary data 
+# Ensure the COPY command is executed in text format on the publisher
+$node_publisher->wait_for_log(qr/LOG: ( [a-z0-9]+:)? COPY (.+)? TO STDOUT\n/);

I think it would be better to pass the log offset when using wait_for_log,
because otherwise it will check the whole log file to find the target message,
This might not be a big problem, but it has a risk of getting unexpected log 
which was generated by previous commands.

Best Regards,
Hou zj

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