On 23.03.23 20:08, Brar Piening wrote:
I've also attached the (unchanged)  make_html_ids_discoverable patch for
convenience so this email now contains two patches for postgresql
(ending with .postgresql.patch) and one patch for pgweb (ending with

Here is my view on this:

First of all, it works very nicely and is very useful.  Very welcome.

The XSLT implementation looks sound to me. It would be a touch better if it had some comments about which parts of the templates were copied from upstream stylesheets and which were changed. There are examples of such commenting in the existing customization layer. Also, avoid introducing whitespace differences during said copying.

However, I wonder if this is the right way to approach this. I don't think we should put these link markers directly into the HTML. It feels like this is the wrong layer. For example, if you have CSS turned off, then all these # marks show up by default.

It seems to me that the correct way to do this is to hook in some JavaScript that does this transformation directly on the DOM. Then we don't need to carry this presentation detail in the HTML. Moreover, it would avoid tight coupling between the website and the documentation sources. You can produce the exact same DOM, that part seems okay, just do it elsewhere. Was this approach considered? I didn't see it in the thread.

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