On 2023-Mar-24, Brar Piening wrote:

> On 23.03.2023 at 23:31, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
> > Hi Brar,
> > 
> > It occurs to me that I had not actually tested the
> > way the anchor is put only after the last term in a
> > varlistentry.  (The code looked obviously right
> > and should work if any varlistentry terms have anchors,
> > which they do, but....)
> > 
> > Have you tested this?
> Yes, I have. See
> https://pgdocs.piening.info/app-psql.html#APP-PSQL-META-COMMAND-DE for
> an extreme case.

But why are there no anchors next to <h3> items on that page?  For
example, how do I get the link for the "Meta Commands" subsection?

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
<inflex> really, I see PHP as like a strange amalgamation of C, Perl, Shell
<crab> inflex: you know that "amalgam" means "mixture with mercury",
       more or less, right?
<crab> i.e., "deadly poison"

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