On Tue, Apr 4, 2023 at 1:12 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> I wonder if, while we're here, we should apply the idea of
> joining-with-newlines-not-commas to the attributes column too.
> That's another source of inconsistency in the proposed display.

That would make the column narrower, which might be good, because it
seems to me that listing the memberships could require quite a lot of
space, both vertical and horizontal.

There can be any number of memberships, and each of those memberships
has a grantor and three flag bits (INHERIT, SET, ADMIN). If some user
with a long username has been granted membership with all three of
those flags by a grantor who also has a long username, and if we show
all that information, we're going to use up a lot of horizontal space.
And if there are many such grants, also a lot of vertical space.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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