Joel Jacobson wrote:

> I understand its necessity for STDIN, given that the end of input needs to
> be explicitly defined.
> However, for files, we have a known file size and the end-of-file can be
> detected without the need for special markers.
> Also, is the difference in how server-side COPY CSV is capable of dealing
> with \. but apparently not the client-side \COPY CSV documented somewhere?

psql implements the client-side "\copy table from file..." with

COPY FROM file CSV somewhat differs as your example shows,
but it still mishandle \. when unquoted. For instance, consider this
file to load with COPY  t FROM '/tmp/t.csv' WITH CSV
$ cat /tmp/t.csv
line 1
line 3
line 4

It results in having only "line 1" being imported.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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