Joel Jacobson wrote:

> Is there a valid reason why \. is needed for COPY FROM filename?
> It seems to me it would only be necessary for the COPY FROM STDIN case,
> since files have a natural end-of-file and a known file size.

Looking at CopyReadLineText() over at [1], I don't see a reason why
the unquoted \. could not be handled with COPY FROM file.
Even COPY FROM STDIN looks like it could be benefit, so that
\copy from file csv would hopefully not choke or truncate the data.
There's still the case when the CSV data is embedded in a psql script
(psql is unable to know where it ends), but for that, "don't do that"
might be a reasonable answer.


Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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