Here is another review comment about patch v26-0001.

The tablesync worker processes include the 'relid' as part of their
name. See launcher.c:

snprintf(bgw.bgw_name, BGW_MAXLEN,
    "logical replication tablesync worker for subscription %u sync %u",


And if that worker is "reused" by v26-0001 to process another relation
there is a LOG

if (reuse_worker)
        errmsg("logical replication table synchronization worker for
subscription \"%s\" will be reused to sync table \"%s\" with relid

AFAICT, when being "reused" the original process name remains
unchanged, and so I think it will continue to appear to any user
looking at it that the tablesync process is just taking a very long
time handling the original 'relid'.

Won't the stale process name cause confusion to the users?

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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