On 9/7/23 18:24, jian he wrote:
for a range primary key, is it fine to expect it to be unique, not
null and also not overlap? (i am not sure how hard to implement it).

quote from 7IWD2-02-Foundation-2011-12.pdf. Unique
constraints, page 97 of 1483.

based on the above, the unique constraint does not specify that the
column list must be range type. UNIQUE (a, c WITHOUT OVERLAPS).
Here column "a" can be a range type (that have overlap property) and
can be not.
In fact, many of your primary key, foreign key regess test using
something like '[11,11]' (which make it more easy to understand),
which in logic is a non-range usage.
So UNIQUE (a, c WITHOUT OVERLAPS), column "a" be a non-range data type
does make sense?

I'm not sure I understand this question, but here are a few things that might help clarify things:

In SQL:2011, a temporal primary key, unique constraint, or foreign key may have one or more "scalar" parts (just like a regular key) followed by one "PERIOD" part, which is denoted with "WITHOUT OVERLAPS" (in PKs/UNIQUEs) or "PERIOD" (in FKs). Except for this last key part, everything is still compared for equality, just as in a traditional key. But this last part is compared for overlaps. It's exactly the same as `EXCLUDE (id WITH =, valid_at WITH &&)`. The overlap part must come last and you can have only one (but you may have more than one scalar part if you like).

In the patch, I have followed that pattern, except I also allow a regular range column anywhere I allow a PERIOD. In fact PERIODs are mostly implemented on top of range types. (Until recently PERIOD support was in the first patch, not the last, and there was code all throughout for handling both, e.g. within indexes, etc. But at pgcon Peter suggested building everything on just range columns, and then having PERIODs create an "internal" GENERATED column, and that cleaned up the code considerably.)

One possible source of confusion is that in the tests I'm using range columns *also* for the scalar key part. So valid_at is a tsrange, and int is an int4range. This is not normally how you'd use the feature, but you need the btree_gist extension to mix int & tsrange (e.g.), and that's not available in the regress tests. We are still comparing the int4range for regular equality and the tsrange for overlaps. If you search this thread there was some discussion about bringing btree_gist into core, but it sounds like it doesn't need to happen. (It might be still desirable independently. EXCLUDE constraints are also not really something you can use practically without it, and their tests use the same trick of comparing ranges for plain equality.)

The piece of discussion you're replying to is about allowing *multiple* WITHOUT OVERLAPS modifiers on a PK/UNIQUE constraint, and in any position. I think that's a good idea, so I've started adapting the code to support it. (In fact there is a lot of code that assumes the overlaps key part will be in the last position, and I've never really been happy with that, so it's an excuse to make that more robust.) Here I'm saying (1) you will still need at least one scalar key part, (2) if there are no WITHOUT OVERLAPS parts then you just have a regular key, not a temporal one, (3) changing this obliges us to do the same for foreign keys and FOR PORTION OF.

I hope that helps! I apologize if I've completely missed the point. If so please try again. :-)


Paul              ~{:-)

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