I found another bit of fun we'll need to deal with: on my F38
platform, pgcrypto/3des fails as attached.  Some googling finds
this relevant info:


That is, FIPS deprecation of 3DES is happening even as we speak.
So apparently we'll have little choice but to deal with two
different behaviors for that.

As before, I'm not too pleased with the user-friendliness
of the error:

+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized

That's even less useful to a user than "unsupported".

FWIW, everything else seems to pass with this patchset.
I ran check-world as well as the various "must run manually"
test suites.

                        regards, tom lane

diff -U3 /home/tgl/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/expected/3des.out /home/tgl/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/results/3des.out
--- /home/tgl/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/expected/3des.out	2023-10-05 15:25:46.922080156 -0400
+++ /home/tgl/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/results/3des.out	2023-10-05 16:29:32.416972002 -0400
@@ -5,61 +5,25 @@
 SELECT encrypt('\x8000000000000000',
-      encrypt       
- \x95f8a5e5dd31d900
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 select encrypt('', 'foo', '3des');
-      encrypt       
- \x752111e37a2d7ac3
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 -- 10 bytes key
 select encrypt('foo', '0123456789', '3des');
-      encrypt       
- \xd2fb8baa1717cb02
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 -- 22 bytes key
 select encrypt('foo', '0123456789012345678901', '3des');
-      encrypt       
- \xa44360e699269817
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 -- decrypt
 select encode(decrypt(encrypt('foo', '0123456', '3des'), '0123456', '3des'), 'escape');
- encode 
- foo
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 -- iv
 select encrypt_iv('foo', '0123456', 'abcd', '3des');
-     encrypt_iv     
- \x50735067b073bb93
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt_iv error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 select encode(decrypt_iv('\x50735067b073bb93', '0123456', 'abcd', '3des'), 'escape');
- encode 
- foo
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  decrypt_iv error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 -- long message
 select encrypt('Lets try a longer message.', '0123456789012345678901', '3des');
-                              encrypt                               
- \xb71e3422269d0ded19468f33d65cd663c28e0871984792a7b3ba0ddcecec8d2c
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized
 select encode(decrypt(encrypt('Lets try a longer message.', '0123456789012345678901', '3des'), '0123456789012345678901', '3des'), 'escape');
-           encode           
- Lets try a longer message.
-(1 row)
+ERROR:  encrypt error: Cipher cannot be initialized

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