Hi Ivan,

thank you for the patch.

> On 22 Nov 2023, at 03:58, Ivan Trofimov <i.trofi...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Currently libpq sends B(ind), D(escribe), E(execute), S(ync) when executing a 
> prepared statement.
> The response for that D message is a RowDescription, which doesn't change 
> during prepared
> statement lifetime (with the attributes format being an exception, as they 
> aren't know before execution) .
From my POV the idea seems reasonable (though I’m not a real libpq expert).
BTW some drivers also send Describe even before Bind. This creates some fuss 
for routing connection poolers.

> In a presumably very common case of repeatedly executing the same statement, 
> this leads to
> both client and server parsing/sending exactly the same RowDescritpion data 
> over and over again.
> Instead, library user could acquire a statement result RowDescription once 
> (via PQdescribePrepared),
> and reuse it in subsequent calls to PQexecPrepared and/or its async friends.
But what if query result structure changes? Will we detect this error 
gracefully and return correct error?

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

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