On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 6:32 PM Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 5:43 AM, Alexander Korotkov
> <a.korot...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> > However, that doesn't
> > look like inevitable shortcoming, because we could store heap TID in
> > t_tid of pivot index tuples.
> But the offset doesn't have enough space for an entire TID.

Sorry, my bad.  It slipped my mind that we use t_tid.ip_blkid of pivot
tuples to store downlinks :)
So, yes, additional attribute is required to store heap TID in pivot tuple.

Anyway, I'm looking forward seeing your patch posted, if even it would
be not yet perfect shape.

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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