Jeff Davis <> writes:
> On the export side, the problem is that the element type (and
> dimensionality and maybe hasnull) is an important part of the anyarray
> value, but it's not part of the output of anyarray_out(). For new
> versions, we can add a scalar function that simply outputs the
> information we need. For old versions, we can hack it by parsing the
> output of anyarray_send(), which contains the information we need
> (binary outputs are under-specified, but I believe they are specified
> enough in this case).

Yeah, I was thinking yesterday about pulling the anyarray columns in
binary and looking at the header fields.  However, I fear there is a
showstopper problem: anyarray_send will fail if the element type
doesn't have a typsend function, which is entirely possible for
user-defined types (and I'm not even sure we've provided them for
every type in the core distro).  I haven't thought of a good answer
to that other than a new backend function.  However ...

> On the import side, the problem is that there may not be an input
> function to go from a 1-D array of text to a 1-D array of any element
> type we want. For example, there's no input function that will create a
> 1-D array with element type float4[] (that's because Postgres doesn't
> really have arrays-of-arrays, it has multi-dimensional arrays).
> Instead, don't use the input function, pass each element of the 1-D
> text array to the element type's input function (which may be scalar or
> not) and then construct a 1-D array out of that with the appropriate
> element type (which may be scalar or not).

Yup.  I had hoped that we could avoid doing any array-munging inside
pg_set_attribute_stats, but this array-of-arrays problem seems to
mean we have to.  In turn, that means that the whole idea of
declaring the function inputs as anyarray rather than text[] is
probably pointless.  And that means that we don't need the sending
side to know the element type anyway.  So, I apologize for sending
us down a useless side path.  We may as well stick to the function
signature as shown in the v15 patch --- although maybe variadic
any is still worthwhile so that an unrecognized field name doesn't
need to be a hard error?

                        regards, tom lane

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