On 26.03.24 18:26, Andrey M. Borodin wrote:
Also, you are initializing 4 bits (I think?) to zero to guard against counter 
rollovers (so it's really just an 8 bit counter?).  But nothing checks against 
such rollovers, so I don't understand the use of that.
No, there's only one guard rollover bit.
Here: uuid->data[6] = (uuid->data[6] & 0xf7);
Bits that are called "guard bits" do not guard anything, they just ensure 
counter capacity when it is initialized.

Uh, I guess I don't understand this at all. I tried to dig up some information about this, but didn't find anything. What exactly is the mechanism of these "counter rollover guards"? If they don't guard anything, what are they supposed to accomplish?

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