For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. 
Since the RFC allows microsecond timestamp granularity, the first thing that 
comes to everyone's mind is to insert microsecond granularity into UUIDv7. And 
if the RFC allowed nanosecond timestamp granularity, then they would try to 
insert nanosecond granularity into UUIDv7.
But I am categorically against abandoning the counter under pressure from the 
unfounded proposal to replace the counter with microsecond granularity.
1) The RFC specifies millisecond timestamp granularity by default.
2) All advanced UUIDv7 implementations include a counter:• for JavaScript• for Rust• 
for Go (Golang)• for Python
3) The theoretical performance of generating UUIDv7 without loss of 
monotonicity for microsecond granularity is only 1000 UUIDv7 per millisecond. 
This is very low and insufficient generation performance! But the actual 
generation performance is even worse, since the generation demand is unevenly 
distributed within a millisecond. Therefore, a UUIDv7 will not be generated 
every microsecond.
For a counter 18 bits long, with the most significant bit initialized to zero 
and the remaining bits initialized to a random number, the actual performance 
of generating a UUIDv7 without loss of monotonicity is between 2 to the power 
of 17 = 131072 UUIDv7 per millisecond (if the random number happens to be all 
ones) to 2 to the power of 18 = 262144 UUIDv7 per millisecond (if the random 
number happens to be all zeros). This is more than enough.
4) Microsecond timestamp fraction subtracts 10 bits from random data, which 
increases the risk of collision. In the counter, almost all bits are 
initialized with a random number, which reduces the risk of collision.

The only reasonable use of microsecond granularity is when writing to a 
database table in parallel. However, monotonicity in this case can be ensured 
in another way, namely a single UUIDv7 generator per database table, similar to 
in PostgreSQL.
Best regards,

    On Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 09:12:17 pm GMT+3, Andrey M. Borodin 
<> wrote:  

At this point we can skip the counter\microseconds entirely, just fill 
everything after unix_ts_ms with randomness. It's still a valid UUIDv7, 
exhibiting much more data locality than UUIDv4. We can adjust this sortability 
measures later.

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.  

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