Melanie Plageman <> writes:
> I was reflecting on why a general purpose patch tracker sounded
> appealing to me, and I realized that, at least at this time of year, I
> have a few patches that really count as "waiting on author" that I
> know I need to do additional work on before they need more review but
> which aren't currently my top priority. I should probably simply
> withdraw and re-register them. My justification was that I'll lose
> them if I don't keep them in the commitfest app. But, I could just,
> you know, save them somewhere myself instead of polluting the
> commitfest app with them. I don't know if others are in this
> situation. Anyway, I'm definitely currently guilty of parking.

It's also nice that the CF app will run CI for you, so at least
you can keep the patch building if you're so inclined.

David J. had a suggestion for this too upthread, which was to create a
separate slot for WIP patches that isn't one of the dated CF slots.

It's hard to argue that such patches need to be in "the CF app" at
all, if you're not actively looking for review.  But the CI runs
and the handy per-author patch status list make the app very tempting
infrastructure for parked patches.  Maybe we could have a not-the-CF
app that offers those amenities?

                        regards, tom lane

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