Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> The problem is if we have 180 patches in Needs Review, and only 20 are 
> really actually ready to be reviewed.  And a second-order problem is 
> that if you already know that this will be the case, you give up before 
> even looking.

Right, so what can we do about that?  Does Needs Review state need to
be subdivided, and if so how?

If it's just that a patch should be in some other state altogether,
we should simply encourage people to change the state as soon as they
discover that.  I think the problem is not so much "90% are in the
wrong state" as "each potential reviewer has to rediscover that".

At this point it seems like there's consensus to have a "parking"
section of the CF app, separate from the time-boxed CFs, and I hope
somebody will go make that happen.  But I don't think that's our only
issue, so we need to keep thinking about what should be improved.

                        regards, tom lane

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