TAKATSUKA Haruka <haru...@sraoss.co.jp> writes:
> I'm a hamerkop maintainer.
> Sorry I have missed the scm error for so long.

> Today I switched scmrepo from git.postgresql.org/git/postgresql.git 
> to github.com/postgres/postgres.git and successfully modernized
> the build target code.

Thanks very much!  I see hamerkop has gone green in HEAD.

It looks like it succeeded in v13 too but failed in v12,
which suggests that the isolationcheck problem is intermittent,
which is not too surprising given our current theory about
what's causing that.

At this point I think we are too close to the 17beta1 release
freeze to mess with it, but I'd support pushing Thomas'
proposed patch after the freeze is over.

                        regards, tom lane

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