so 18. 5. 2024 v 22:36 odesílatel Tom Lane <> napsal:
> Yasir <> writes:
> > We can add it to "~/.config/git/ignore" as it will ignore globally on
> > windows which we don't want. Also we don't have ".git/info/exclude" in PG
> > project's so the best place left is projects's .gitignore. That's what was
> > patched.
> As Peter said, we're not going to do that.  The intention with
> the project's .gitignore files is to ignore files that are
> intentionally built by our "make" targets (and, hopefully, will be
> removed by "make maintainer-clean").  Anything else that you want
> git to ignore should be in a personal ignore list; especially
> files that are platform-specific.  The fact that it's reasonable
> to ignore ".vs" files when working with your toolset doesn't mean
> that it's reasonable to ignore them when working on some other
> platform.
> If we used some other policy, we'd have tons of debates about
> which files were reasonable to exclude.  For myself, for example,
> I exclude "*~" (Emacs backup files) and "*.orig" (patch(1)
> backup files) but those choices are very much dependent on the
> set of tools I choose to use.  Other developers have other
> personal exclusion lists.  If we tried to make the project's
> files be the union of all those lists, we'd be at serious risk
> of ignoring stuff we absolutely shouldn't ignore in some contexts.

But this is different. If I understand it well, just by following you'll
get those files no matter what is your specific environment (or
specific set of tools).

>                         regards, tom lane

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