On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 9:07 PM Markus Winand <markus.win...@winand.at> wrote:
> I think it affects the following feature IDs:
>   - T821, Basic SQL/JSON query operators
>   - T828, JSON_QUERY
> Also, how hard would it be to add the functions that accept
> character strings? Is there, besides the effort, any thing else
> against it? I’m asking because I believe once released it might
> never be changed — for backward compatibility.

we have ExecEvalCoerceViaIOSafe, so it's doable.
I tried, but other things break. so it's not super easy i think.

because of eval_const_expressions_mutator, postgres will constantly
evaluate simple const expressions to simplify some expressions.
`SELECT JSON_QUERY('a', '$');`
postgres will try to do the cast coercion from text 'a' to jsonb. but
it will fail, but it's hard to send the cast failed information to
later code,
in ExecInterpExpr. in ExecEvalCoerceViaIOSafe, if we cast coercion
failed, then this function value is zero, isnull is set to true.

`SELECT JSON_QUERY('a', '$');`
will be equivalent to

so making one of the next 2 examples to return jsonb 1 would be hard
to implement.
SELECT JSON_QUERY('a', '$' default  '1' on empty);
SELECT JSON_QUERY('a', '$' default  '1' on error);

If the standard says the context_item can be text string (cannot cast
to json successfully). future version we make it happen,
then it should be fine?
because it's like the previous version we are not fully compliant with
standard, now the new version is in full compliance with standard.

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