> On 21.06.2024, at 07:38, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, June 20, 2024, Markus Winand <markus.win...@winand.at> wrote:
> > On 21.06.2024, at 06:46, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> 
> > 
> > 2 also has the benefit of being standard conforming while 1 does not.
> Why do you think so? Do you have any references or is this just based on 
> previous statements in this discussion?
> Hearsay.
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAFj8pRCnzO2cnHi5ebXciV%3DtuGVvAQOW9uPU%2BDQV1GkL31R%3D-g%40mail.gmail.com
> > 4) If ALREADY PARSED is False, then it is implementation-defined whether the
> > following rules are applied:
> > a) The General Rules of Subclause 9.36, "Parsing JSON text", are applied 
> > with
> > JT as JSON TEXT, an implementation-defined <JSON key uniqueness constraint>
> > let CISJI be the SQL/JSON ITEM returned from the application of those
> > General Rules.
> > b) If ST is not successful completion, then ST is returned as the STATUS of
> > this application of these General Rules, and no further General Rules of
> > this Subclause are applied.
> But maybe I’m mis-interpreting that snippet and Nikita’s related commentary 
> regarding have chosen between options for this implementation-defined feature.

Ah, here we go. Nowadays this is called IA050, “Whether a JSON context item 
that is not of the JSON data type is parsed.” (Likewise IA054 “Whether a JSON 
parameter is parsed.”)

So updating the three options:

> 1. Disallow anything but jsonb for context_item (the patch I posted yesterday)

* Non-conforming
* patch available

> 2. Continue allowing context_item to be non-json character or utf-8
> encoded bytea strings, but document that any parsing errors do not
> respect the ON ERROR clause.

* Conforming by choosing IA050 to implement GR4: raise errors independent of 
the ON ERROR clause.
* currently committed.

> 3. Go ahead and fix implicit casts to jsonb so that any parsing errors
> respect ON ERROR (no patch written yet).

* Conforming by choosing IA050 not to implement GR4: Parsing happens later, 
considering the ON ERROR clause.
* no patch available, not trivial

I guess I’m the only one in favour of 3 ;) My remaining arguments are that 
Oracle and Db2 (LUW) do it that way and also that it is IMHO what users would 
expect. However, as 2 is also conforming (how could I miss that?), proper 
documentation is a very tempting option.

ps: Does anyone know a dialect that implements GR4?

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