Hi, Melanie! I'm glad to hear you that you have found a root case of the problem) Thank you for that!

On 21.06.2024 02:42, Melanie Plageman wrote:

If vacuum fails to remove a tuple with xmax older than
VacuumCutoffs->OldestXmin and younger than
GlobalVisState->maybe_needed, it will ERROR out when determining
whether or not to freeze the tuple with "cannot freeze committed

In back branches starting with 14, failing to remove tuples older than
OldestXmin during pruning caused vacuum to infinitely loop in
lazy_scan_prune(), as investigated on this [1] thread.

On master, after 1ccc1e05ae removed the retry loop in
lazy_scan_prune() and stopped comparing tuples to OldestXmin, the hang
could no longer happen, but we can still attempt to freeze dead tuples
visibly killed before OldestXmin -- resulting in an ERROR.

Pruning may fail to remove dead tuples with xmax before OldestXmin if
the tuple is not considered removable by GlobalVisState.

For vacuum, the GlobalVisState is initially calculated at the
beginning of vacuuming the relation -- at the same time and with the
same value as VacuumCutoffs->OldestXmin.

A backend's GlobalVisState may be updated again when it is accessed if
a new snapshot is taken or if something caused ComputeXidHorizons() to
be called.

This can happen, for example, at the end of a round of index vacuuming
when GetOldestNonRemovableTransactionId() is called.

Normally this may result in GlobalVisState's horizon moving forward --
potentially allowing more dead tuples to be removed.

However, if a disconnected standby with a running transaction older
than VacuumCutoffs->OldestXmin reconnects to the primary after vacuum
initially calculates GlobalVisState and OldestXmin but before
GlobalVisState is updated, the value of GlobalVisState->maybe_needed
could go backwards.

If this happens in the middle of vacuum's first pruning and freezing
pass, it is possible that pruning/freezing could then encounter a
tuple whose xmax is younger than GlobalVisState->maybe_needed and
older than VacuumCutoffs->OldestXmin. heap_prune_satisfies_vacuum()
would deem the tuple HEAPTUPLE_RECENTLY_DEAD and would not remove it.
But the heap_pre_freeze_checks() would ERROR out with "cannot freeze
committed xmax". This check is to avoid freezing dead tuples.

We can fix this by always removing tuples considered dead before
VacuumCutoffs->OldestXmin. This is okay even if a reconnected standby
has a transaction that sees that tuple as alive, because it will
simply wait to replay the removal until it would be correct to do so
or recovery conflict handling will cancel the transaction that sees
the tuple as alive and allow replay to continue.

Thisis an interestinganddifficultcase)Inoticedthatwheninitializingthe cluster,inmyopinion,we provideexcessivefreezing.Initializationtakesa longtime,whichcanlead,for example,tolongertestexecution.Igot ridofthisby addingthe OldestMxact checkboxisnotFirstMultiXactId,anditworksfine.

if (prstate->cutoffs &&
TransactionIdIsValid(prstate->cutoffs->OldestXmin) &&
prstate->cutoffs->OldestMxact != FirstMultiXactId &&
NormalTransactionIdPrecedes(dead_after, prstate->cutoffs->OldestXmin))
    return HEAPTUPLE_DEAD;

CanI keepit?

Attached is the suggested fix for master plus a repro. I wrote it as a
recovery suite TAP test, but I am _not_ proposing we add it to the
ongoing test suite. It is, amongst other things, definitely prone to
flaking. I also had to use loads of data to force two index vacuuming
passes now that we have TIDStore, so it is a slow test.

If you want to run the repro with meson, you'll have to add
't/099_vacuum_hang.pl' to src/test/recovery/meson.build and then run it with:

meson test postgresql:recovery / recovery/099_vacuum_hang

If you use autotools, you can run it with:
make check PROVE_TESTS="t/099_vacuum_hang.pl

The repro forces a round of index vacuuming after the standby
reconnects and before pruning a dead tuple whose xmax is older than

At the end of the round of index vacuuming, _bt_pendingfsm_finalize()
calls GetOldestNonRemovableTransactionId(), thereby updating the
backend's GlobalVisState and moving maybe_needed backwards.

Then vacuum's first pass will continue with pruning and find our later
inserted and updated tuple HEAPTUPLE_RECENTLY_DEAD when compared to
maybe_needed but HEAPTUPLE_DEAD when compared to OldestXmin.

I make sure that the standby reconnects between vacuum_get_cutoffs()
and pruning because I have a cursor on the page keeping VACUUM FREEZE
from getting a cleanup lock.

See the repro for step-by-step explanations of how it works.

I have a modified version of this that repros the infinite loop on
14-16 with substantially less data. See it here [2]. Also, the repro
attached to this mail won't work on 14 and 15 because of changes to

To be honest, the meson test is new for me, but I see its useful features. I think I will use it for checking my features)

I couldn't understand why the replica is necessary here. Now I am digging why I got the similar behavior without replica when I have only one instance. I'm stillcheckingthisinmytest,butI believethispatchfixesthe originalproblembecausethesymptomswerethesame.

Alena Rybakina
Postgres Professional:http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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