Andrew>does it fail on the latest 11-stable

1) Current "build from Git/master PostgreSQL" produces the data row for
both simple and extended queries.

2) Just a side note: `CALL my_proc()` is not suitable for functions. That
looks weird.
Is the client expected to lookup system catalogs in order to tell if
`my_proc` is procedure or function and use either `call my_proc` or `select
* from my_proc()`?
Issuing `call my_function()` fails with 42883 ERROR: my_func(unknown) is
not a procedure

Note: JDBC defines two options to call a stored procedure:
   {?= call <procedure-name>[(<arg1>,<arg2>, ...)]}
   {call <procedure-name>[(<arg1>,<arg2>, ...)]}

There's no notion if the called object is a procedure or function.
Note: PostgreSQL can have a function that `returns void`, and it is hard to
tell if {call test()} refers to a function or procedure.

Can functions and procedures be unified at the backend level?
For instance, support "CALL" for both of them.
Or support "select * ..." for both of them.


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