On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 07:03:47AM +0100, Shay Rojansky wrote:
> > Shay>Npgsql currently always sends a describe as part of statement
> > execution (for server-prepared messages the describe is done only once, at
> > preparation-time). Vladimir, are you doing things differently here?
> >
> > The same thing is for pgjdbc. It does use describe to identify result row
> > format.
> > However, "CALL my_proc()" works just fine with current git master for both
> > simple and extended protocol.
> >
> In one way that's good, but I wonder how this squares with the following
> written by David above:
> > 1. A stored procedure should be able to return multiple resultsets with
> different structures.
> > 2. A stored procedure can decide dynamically of the structure of the
> resultset(s) it returns, and the caller will discover it as they're
> returned, not before.
> Both of the above seem to be simply incompatible with the current
> PostgreSQL protocol. Describe currently returns a single RowDescription,
> which describes a single resultset, not more.

Long ago, when I was trying to simulate this behavior, I created
functions which returned SETOF REFCURSOR. It worked at least up to the
extent of being able to use multiple result sets. I don't recall
whether I had a good way to describe the rowtypes, but I suspect one
could be hacked together by having one refcursor be of a specific
rowtype whose job is to describe all the rest.

David Fetter <david(at)fetter(dot)org> http://fetter.org/
Phone: +1 415 235 3778

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